Hemp drought, i.e. dried cannabis flowers, does not arouse the best associations in our society. Most people associate CBD stuff like THC, smoking marijuana, drugs. This is a big mistake.
First of all, two components must be distinguished: cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD, unlike THC, is not psychoactive and addictive. This compound cannot be found in any other plant. The famous CBD oil is a hemp flower extract that is often enriched with hemp seed oil. The most important substance in CBD oils is cannabidiol - non-psychoactive, but it is used very widely as an aid to the body.
In short: CBD is a legal substance that is found mainly in the cannabis flowers - this part of the plant is the richest in cannabidiol. Hemp drought is nothing but hemp flowers. Various varieties of cannabis are available - from seed (fibrous) ones that do not contain THC, to CBD-rich varieties with a low THC concentration, to psychoactive varieties with a high concentration of THC. Depending on the concentration of CBD in the seeds, this power of healing ingredients will be provided by the plant from which the drought is made.